Gone to Seed

from $25.00

Fine Art Print on lightly textured matte paper

This piece was originally drawn with fine tip pens and markers on paper and features a coyote surrounded by Wild Parsley, Lupin, Balsamroot, Rye Grass, and Curly Dock, all grow wild in the PNW

This piece was created as a reminder that even though it is easy to see the beauty in a field of wildflowers in bloom, it is important to notice the beauty in every season; we are nature and we can’t always be in bloom, so I hope this piece brings you comfort in all the seasons and phases of life

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Fine Art Print on lightly textured matte paper

This piece was originally drawn with fine tip pens and markers on paper and features a coyote surrounded by Wild Parsley, Lupin, Balsamroot, Rye Grass, and Curly Dock, all grow wild in the PNW

This piece was created as a reminder that even though it is easy to see the beauty in a field of wildflowers in bloom, it is important to notice the beauty in every season; we are nature and we can’t always be in bloom, so I hope this piece brings you comfort in all the seasons and phases of life

Fine Art Print on lightly textured matte paper

This piece was originally drawn with fine tip pens and markers on paper and features a coyote surrounded by Wild Parsley, Lupin, Balsamroot, Rye Grass, and Curly Dock, all grow wild in the PNW

This piece was created as a reminder that even though it is easy to see the beauty in a field of wildflowers in bloom, it is important to notice the beauty in every season; we are nature and we can’t always be in bloom, so I hope this piece brings you comfort in all the seasons and phases of life